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Our industrial customers
invested heavily in the most efficient knife sharpening equipment.
Cost of equipment has never been a restraint to us, the edge quality is the
only consideration we take into account.
To see the equipment in use, you can check our Sharpening Procedures
Precision control equipment

Laser protractor
to control edge angle;
BESS sharpness tester;
Edge tester;
Microscope and loupe.

Laser protractor.

for blades not fitting the laser protractor.

BESS certified
sharpness tester.

Razor-Edge Edge Tester
for blades not fitting the BESS sharpness tester, but not limited to that. While the BESS sharpness tester is spot sampling, the Edge Tester checks the whole length of the edge, and used together, they give pretty comprehensive idea of the edge condition.

Used in Convex, Concave and Recurve blade sharpening.
Sharpening equipment

Volume sharpening suite.
Capacity 200-300 knives per shift per operator.
Read more>>

slow speed wet sharpener equipped with an extra-long universal support
US400, and frontal vertical base for sharpening away from the wheel and
angle-controlled honing on felt and leather wheels.
We use T7
and T8 Tormek machines. Grinding and honing angle is controlled with our computer software.

wheels for carbon steels, also used for mainstream stainless steels:
Oxide SG-250;
10 Japanese #800;
10 Japanese #4000;
Japanese #5000 SJ-250.
We order Japanese wheels for ourselves directly from Japan.
It goes without
saying that our stones are trued square and round at all times.

CBN wheels for stainless, high-carbon and hard-alloy steels:
10 CBN
square-edge wheels for regular blades, and
10 CBN
round-edge wheels for sharpening concave and curved blades;
#80, #160, #400, #700 and #1000.

10 rock-hard felt wheels loaded with diamonds for fine sharpening, honing and deburring.
We designed a frontal vertical base for honing on felt wheels and
Tormek leather wheel.
Read more about our felt wheels >>

For sharpening serrations on Tormek, we designed a double-taper felt wheel.
Read more about our double-taper felt wheel for serrations >>

Frontal vertical
base for edge-trailing sharpening of knives, cleavers and wide blades, and angle-controlled honing on
leather and felt wheels. Grinding and honing angle is controlled with our computer software.
Read more>>

Bench stones.
Diamond plates, Japanese whetstones, natural and ceramic bench stones
of various grits.

DMT Diamond

Japanese whetstones.

Shapton whetstones.

bench stones:
Hard Arkansas;
Slate Dragon Tongue.

to restore serrations and concavities.
with diamond wheels;
DMT Diafold Serrated Knife Sharpener, diamond coated;
Sharp, diamond coated;
Spyderco ceramic slip stone;
Tri-Angle Sharpmaker with tri-angle stones and ceramic rods of various

bristle disks.
We use them in restoration of the serrations.
Sharpening serrations had
been a long quest for us - the serrated blade had been showing obstinate
resistance to all our approaches, till we finally found a solution that
delivers fine shaving edge in every serration, not smoothing away the peaks.
bristle disks are made of Cubitron and Aluminum Oxide grains embedded
throughout the flexible plastic bristles.
#80, #120, #220, #400, #600, #1000, #2500.
As the radial
bristle disk grinds, it also works as a cooling fan, making it possible
to use it with Dremel on finest edges without risk of overheating.

to sharpen gut hooks.

scissors are sharpened with Spyderco Sharpmaker.

linisher to fix broken tips, straighten worn out edge, and reduce
We use coarse belts that generate less heat.
Honing and stropping equipment

station for angle-controlled honing.
RazorSharp paper wheels and flint-hard felt wheels with various grit
diamonds, run on slow half-speed buffers. Honing angle is controlled with our supports and computer software.
How to Set Up Paper Wheels >>
Video >>

paste and sprays of various grit.

Kangaroo tail hanging strop.
Kangaroo tail is renown for the highest tensile strength of all animal leathers, making it an exceptional hanging strop. Kangaroo tail is different to the skin: the kangaroo skin is smooth, while the tail has a palpable cross-texture; the difference is the same as between the human skin and sole. Knives stropped on the kangaroo tail stay sharp for longer than those stropped on its skin - this is sort of a factual knowledge in Australia.
Video: Kangaroo Tail Strop Effect on Sharpness >>
Research and stropping technique: Use of Hanging Strop in Knife Sharpening and Maintenance
More interesting facts >>

8 tapered
flint-hard felt split laps loaded with diamonds for honing concave and
Recurve blades.
Knife jigs matching blade thickness

matching the blade thickness provide for symmetric bevels of even height.
Jig #1 -
up to 3mm thick knives;
Jig #2 -
for 3-4mm thick knives;
Jig #3 -
for 4-5mm thick knives;
Jig #4 -
for 5-7mm thick knives.
knife jig out of the box (right) compared to ours.

We have
polished the inner side of the zinc clamps to make sure no scratches
are left on your blades.

but nonetheless accurate jig projection measuring/setting block.
Its main function is to align the knife edge parallel to the plane of the jig adjustable stop; the 2nd function is to measure the jig projection for use with our software. Having the knife edge (not the spine) strictly in parallel to the jig adjustable stop is a prerequisite for uniform apexing and getting ultimate sharpness.
See how to use >>
Read how to make it on the Tormek forum >>
Right jig for each blade

We have
all jigs ever manufactured by Tormek for edged blades, not to mention our homemade.
Jigs for
long and small knives, scissors, axe, planer blade etc etc.

Pivot collar used on the knife jig for sharpening convex, concave and Recurve blades, and regular blades with steep tips.
Unique design, made on special order.
Our Tormeks grind faster by 40%
Computer software to set exact grinding/honing angle

We developed
computer software for Tormek, other wet grinders and paper wheels.
Quicker than any other method, and more accurate.
Our computer software is used to: - grind exact edge angle; - match grinding wheels of different diameter; - match the ground angle with the honing angle on Tormek leather wheel, using our Frontal Vertical Base.
Thanks to this software we now have every knife edge apex near 0.1 micron, true razor.
it is quicker than any other method.