BESS Certified Edge Sharpness Tester
BESS is an acronym for the Brubacher Edge
Sharpness Scale – an international standard of quantifying sharpness.
BESS-calibrated edge sharpness testers show edge apex radius in nm. E.g. DE safety razors score 50 on the tester and have 50 nm apex radius, i.e. 100 nm or 0.1 micron edge apex width.
BESS edge sharpness testers are manufactured in Arizona, USA by Edge On Up, and certified by BESS Universal.
A quantifiable
means to measure edge sharpness is an indispensable tool for any serious
sharpener and industries producing and using knives and cutting blades.
BESS edge sharpness testers reveal the unseen that has been eluding our comprehension.
We were first
to adopt BESS in Australia, and are lucky to call the BESS founder Mike
Brubacher our friend and be part of history-making in the global knife
sharpness standardization.

Mike Brubacher - founder of BESS
Mike has created an
accurate standard of calibration which is shared around the globe. We can
make a sharpness test in our workshop in Australia and have the results
understood in the US, the UK, Japan, anywhere. Communicating sharpness in a clearly understood, standardized manner benefits everyone
even if they do not own an instrument.
That creates
a whole new standard of sharpness, leagues beyond the old arm hair shaving,
hanging hair test, paper cutting or thumbnail tests. It also creates a
universal language in knife edge and sharpening discussion.
As the BESS
founder Mike Brubacher said "Lets just all work together to get
everyone talking numbers rather than how much hair they shaved off their
various body parts."
For more
information please visit and
BESS Forum
50 on BESS
scale approximates to 50 nm edge apex radius, i.e. 0.1 micron edge apex width.
Industrial assessment >
