I highly appreciate your kind references for what we do in the knife sharpening lore.
Thank you, Gentlemen! Cheers, Vadim

Review on the Tormek forum >>
My hat is off to these researchers for their fine work. The research I did 20 years ago is primitive by comparison. Long live the new experts. Steve Bottorff, USA - author of the famous Sharpening Made Easy book
This book puts the science in getting a knife edge to it's sharpest possible and the science in make a difference between sharp and dull and even sharp to wickedly sharp. Once you read this book, you will work to improve your sharpening skills more and more as it demonstrates how to get a sharp knife very much sharper than just shaving hair off your arm, which has been a guide for most through the years, but that is just the beginning of getting a fine edge.
Dale, USA
Dr. Kraichuk's book is based on the sharpening method developed by his company. And unlike other sharpeners, Dr. Kraichuk has researched the results from using this method, and has proof that it works. His company’s work, sharpening the knives of butchers, has repeatedly shown that his method is sound.
I’ve only found two other books which provide evidence-based information to sharpen tools: Leo J. St. Clair’s “Design and Use of Cutting Tools” and Leonard Lee’s, “The Complete Guide to Sharpening”. This is my third. It is a short book which is packed with information, and I'm glad to have the information readily available in my library.
If you are wanting to get your tools really sharp, you should read this book … and make it a part of your library.
Rich, USA
This is essential reading for anyone interested in how to get knives razor sharp and keep them that way. The author clearly explains the process of sharpening and shows the results with then help of optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. Not only does he show the results of the correct method, he shows the results of other methods.
All in all, this is a great addition to your sharpening library.
On a personal note, I have set up a sharpening shop with a single Tormek and using his methods, I am able to get my knives incredibly sharp.
Rich, USA
My highest praise for a sharpening book is my statement, "This book should be part of the reference library of every serious sharpener." Knife Deburring: Science behind the lasting razor edge, by Dr. Vadim Kraichuk, certainly deserves that recognition. For the record, while my photography and woodworking library is extensive, I can count my sharpening library on my fingers, with some fingers left over for future growth. Vadim's book is one of only two knife specific books in this group.His book combines his innovative research with his practical working sharpener experience.
Mike Brubacher invented BESS, the Brubacher Edge Sharpness Scale. The scale, measured on Mike's Edge On Up testers, ranged from 50 (the gram weight needed to cut the test filament with a new double edge razor blade) to 2000 (the gram weight needed to cut the filament with the blunt edge of that razor blade when broken). To the great surprise of the members of the BESS exchange, Vadim not only reached "the sound barrier" of 50 BESS with knives, he obtained readings of half that number, literally sharper than a razor. He is the only one I am aware of who has broken this sound barrier. Vadim knows sharp.
Vadim's book is a rare blending of scholarly research with high level workaday sharpening. Many of the illustrations involve an electron microscope. Yet, the innovative techniques he has developed can be applied in a typical home workshop with a Tormek. He has both risen the level of top level sharpening and made better sharpening available for the working sharpener and home sharpener.
This is a serious book for sharpeners with a genuine interest in sharpening beyond the common level. It is a book which will serve as a long term reference, absorbed slowly with repeated readings. Vadim has put much serious research into this book. It will not disappoint the reader. I have read through the printed book, and will read it at least a couple times more by this weekend. After that, I will keep it very handy to help absorb various parts. The effort will be well repaid.
Of special interest is the first part, which discusses various myths about sharpening. Vadim discusses methods to make edges very sharp and, just as important, methods to keep those edges sharp, based on real world testing.
As stated earlier, this book should be part of the reference library of every serious sharpener.
Ken, USA
To an ages-old darkness of myth, hearsay, anecdotal evidence, and "expert" opinions, Dr. Kraichuk has brought science to the subject of knife sharpening, and the results are extraordinary. Applying the knowledge in this book makes sharpening predictable, repeatable, and astonishingly effective. Get this book and be amazed.
Tony, USA
Science helps us to weed through fact vs. fiction, opinion vs. reality, and repeatability vs inconsistency. What I love about this book is how Dr. Kraichuk combines his vast experience in sharpening along with an evidence based approach using sharpness testing equipment and microscopes to VALIDATE assumptions and correct misconceptions. From what I have learned in this book, along with lots of other knowledge gleaned from the author, I have become a better sharpener. Be sure to add this book to your library of valuable resources to help you become a better practitioner of the trade.
Gaberelli, USA
The information in this book is revolutionary in that it debunks many myths and common misconceptions regarding sharpening angles and maximizing edge retention and so much more. I would highly recommend it to any knife enthusiasts or even professional sharpeners. Regardless of your experience you will learn some new things to help in your sharpening strategies.
James, USA
Geniales Buch!!!!
Super Nachschlagewerk, detailreiche Infos mit sehr guten Bildern. Sehr interessante Ansätze und geniale Vorgehensweisen deim Messerschleifen! Der Autor gibt sein Insiderwissen weiter.
Thomas, Germany
My blades now sharper than a razor. I am very pleased and fully attribute the result to the methodology I have learned from you.
Fantastic to get to know your experiences and knowledge.? You are a Predecessor Vadim. Kent, Sweden
I'm sorry I haven't been writing to you nearly as much as I've been reading everything you write. I'm very grateful for your presence on this forum! I think I may have picked up on things you've mentioned in passing.
Mark Reich, knifemaker, USA
Your methods strike me as quality sharpening well beyond the typical home sharpening or busy farmers market sharpening. To be worthwhile for the sharpener, this quality workmanship would require a very sophisticated customer who appreciated it.
With innovations like your set up app and modified knife jigs, I can see these advancements gradually filter into everyday sharpening. We are all enriched by your pioneering work.
I really believe that although some of your sharpening techniques may presently be reserved for high end work, just like advances in auto racing, some or all of them may filter down into more general use. Ken, Tormek forum moderator, USA
Thank you very much for the book!
I want you to know that your art is very noble, indeed, in pursuit of the perfect edge and burr removal, I have abandoned my evil ways of drinking and chasing wild women.?
Thank you once again for the wonderful time I have had exploring your videos and website. Mike, USA
Thanks for the deburring book. Love the sharpening myths section and the rest of the information is simply awesome. Read every word. Alex, Australia
Again thank you for your book. I will read, re read, and study it. Dave, USA
Dear Vadim, I thank you for your initiative and time to not only attempt to master this craft but to also note and share this knowledge with the rest of the world. I am grateful for our friendship and look forward to our continued partnership in the years to come. Lawrence, knifemaker, Australia
Thanks for sharing this sharpness chart. Nice to see a thoughtful compilation of overall a sharp edge can cut/separate correlate to apex width (in microns). Also glad it was done with attempt of high regard for technical and scientific principles. Knifemaker, USA
Wow, Thank you for bringing this set of information, might I call it new tools, to my attention! Scott, USA
This is one of the continued excellent contributions you make to sharpening. I wish I'd known many years ago the things I've learned from you. Kind regards and great respect Rich, USA
Vadim, Scientific analysis and real world utility are often missing in sharpening lore and literature. I think the sharpening world owes you a debt of gratitude for applying the former to the latter and publishing the results in an instructional form. Gord, USA
Seems that the right equipment with the right method produces a quality product - I know that sounds a little simplistic and really doesn’t do justice to the work that Vadim and many others have done getting this art/science to this level. Amazing! Scott, USA
Thank you, Vadim. The stuff is very good, but as always I learned a lot of useful things for myself. Fedor, Russia
Your research reveals the challenge to producing enduring sharpness is not so much grinding a bevel to a good apex... Rather, the more difficult challenge is to employ techniques proven to
- abrade those burrs (whatever form they may have taken); and,
- most delicately expose the underlying ground apex.
With this understanding, and with your advice, I was finally able to make my 1st knife sharp. David, USA
Hi Vadim,
I really appreciate your work and all the progress you made me do through your study. My knowledge of the Sharpening has made a great leap. I wish you the best.
Alias, Italy
Vadim, very cool that you've put your knowledge and practices into a book so more can benefit.
Rick, USA
Genial, me quede sin palabras.
Fernando, Spain
Your book is a breath of fresh air in knife sharpening, the facts without the b/s.
Lawrence, Australia
Thanking you immensely for your knowledge shared on your Website and YouTube channel. I have gained a lot from your book and appreciate your efforts in testing for the sharpening industry.
Taylor, USA
Just finished my Kindle edition of the book. A very informative and enjoyable read... Thanks
Curt, USA
I’ve read your book front to back at least 10 times and am still fine tuning my technique.
Al, New Zealand
Hello, Vadim. I have been enjoying watching your sharpening videos on YouTube; very informative. I recently ordered your book on Amazon and it has been enlightening, to say the least.
Cesar, Australia
I want to thank you for the book Knife Deburring, it has been a great help to me in understanding how to deal with the burr. I was frustrated with knives not holding their edge very long.
Eric, USA
I was excited to receive a copy of your Knife Deburr book. I've always understood there was some science in deburring blades having working in meat works most of my life but you guys have taken it to the next level and put it into the print, thanks very much for sharing. I am constantly referring back to this book trying to make it second nature in my sharpening.
Mat, Australia
I have been following you for a long time and I confess an admirer of your work. I expect to improve my sharpening technique after read the book. I´ll try to read and understand all of it (my English is not good).
Again, thank you very much for everything. You are very kind.
Attentively, Josu, Spain
Hey Vadim,
I wanted to reach out because I enjoyed your book on burr removal and minimization. I found the book was very eye opening, and did a great job filling in the holes and gaps in my (and others) research and testing. Your book was extremely helpful, for you were answering questions I had on phenomena (burr root) that nobody seemed to be aware about. A lot of what you found in your research also aligned up with what other sharpeners found when experimenting with hair whittling edges that would last weeks to months.
Ben, USA
This was a most interesting read and I think definitely myth busting. John, USA
I appreciate how much I am learning about this and am only a typical user of cutting blades and just getting into the sharpening science. My knives are getting sharper and sharper now thanks to the info here and your book and the extra equipment that I purchased to get better. Dale, USA
For many years I have been intrigued with the factors which help make a very educated and skilled person. This has been mostly, but not entirely, part of my desire for self improvement.
Vadim (Knife Grinders) combines the best of a highly educated mind with a craftsman's desire to improve the craft. He is continually growing and quite commendably, he has unselfishly shared his growth with like-minded persons.
Vadim of Knife Grinders is the rising tide which makes all knives sharper. Ken, USA - Tormek forum moderator
I bought your book on knife deburring and wanted to say how pleased I am with the information and science contained within. I've learned so much and it has changed the way I think about edges and deburring, etc. I do a lot of knives for processors so much of the research and data was so very relevant! Thank you for all the work and effort it took to share this knowledge with all of us.
Steve, USA
Hi Vadim,
Your book is helping me better understand knife sharpening and the importance of the deburring step. I pick up something new every time I reread it.?
Bill, USA
Good afternoon Vadim,
I will never be able to repay you for all the wealth of information you have shared with me. I would need several lifetimes to accumulate it myself. Thank you so much.?
Alan, USA
Thank you Vadim. You are a Master, and a Man after my own heart.?
Steve, USA
Hi Vadim, Your work is incredible and I appreciate your work on my knives. Thanks for everything and look forward to more in future.?
Frank, Australia
Well SIR (capitals intended), you're second to none, to the best of my knowledge. I must admit - no joke - that I'm afraid of hand washing my own knives (and dishwasher is not an option, no, no) after sharpening them according to what you teach.
Eric, Belgium
Vadim, you are a true gentleman. The data you've shared with all of us will make a huge difference to my family and me. It will enable me to not make the enormous number of potential mistakes I may have otherwise - let alone the months of testing I wouldn't have been able to carry out myself in an industrial setting. I'm more than a bit of a perfectionist and a bright man from a family of PhDs who knows how valuable it is to find a man like you as a guide. Your sincere admirer from up above, Clay
Clay, USA
Holy Shit!! I have everything working and blown away with the results. It's shocking actually. Thanks for all of your continued help man, I truely appreciate it.
Shawn, USA
First off, big fan of your work, I enjoyed reading your deburring book and the experiments you have done with edge Stability, hardness, etc. I have great respect and admiration for your work Vadim, thanks for sharing such wonderful details to all.
Shawn - Big Brown Bear knife maker and YouTuber, USA
It is always a pleasure to watch your videos, see your sure technique, and to see your mind working in your book. Thank you again, Vadim, for sharing your deep knowledge.
Clay, USA
I'm amazed how nice Wusthoff etc knives come using your techniques. And how necessary your techniques are. Otherwise the edge is garbage after sharpening. You can fake it with higher hardness steels, but the soft ones absolutely demand your approach.
Alan, USA
I received the book today and have just finished reading it cover to cover. There is a lot of information to take in so will need to read it a couple more times before the contents are hard-wired into my grey matter. All I can say at this point is this is a recipe book to sharpening nirvana! Thanks Vadim for sharing your research, knowledge and experience so willingly.
Andrew, Tormek forum
I just received Vadim's book, and after reading it cover to cover twice, I shall be making the information and concepts contained within its pages the foundation of my sharpening set-up and process.
I'm sure there are plenty of freehand sharpeners working with flat water stones who get a nice (perhaps even excellent) edge... but I've long suspected that only highly refined guided sharpening will give one the guaranteed accuracy, absolute repeatability, and a clear understanding of exactly what you'll wind up with upon completion of the sharpening of any given blade... and all of this before you even start sharpening.
I find Vadim's book, along with his software (and the Tormek of course) to give me the kind of rock solid foundation (which my OCD likes ;) ) with which to proceed.
Roger, Tormek forum
What I like is that by following the steps outlined in the book you are able to produce an exceptionally sharp and lasting edge with a stock Tormek. It may take a little longer but it can be done.
John, Tormek forum
I just spent some time this weekend following the steps in Vadim's book on my EDC Leatherman using my stock Tormek, it gets sharp but has never held its edge as I think it should. After following the steps there is no question it is sharper than I've ever had it. Time will tell if I did things right as far as edge retention.
I too appreciate Vadim shared knowledge!
Curt, Tormek forum
One of the things I admire about Vadim is that he shares not only his knowledge, he also shows his research methods. He combines the discipline of a scholarly researcher with the practicality of a sharpener who lives in the real world.
Ken, Tormek forum
What I admire about Vadim in addition to the competence demonstrated with facts is the great availability of communication and the sharing of its methods with the whole community. More unique than rare merit in a world full of self-centered individualists. Infinitely grateful.
Venanzio, Italy
Thank you for being an inspiration, Vadim. Your scientific approach to the craft has pushed me to think more about what I'm doing to the steel over what I should be doing according to traditional practice. I've never been so engaged in my work.
Chris, USA
Thank you, Vadim I've learned more from your website about knife sharpening than every other source of info I've researched for over 20 years combined. I have your book on knife deburring and will have the PT-50 Professional by next week. I am an Environmental Scientist/Consultant and your website is a generous source of information exceeding any other I utilize in my profession. You should be proud. I'm just an amateur that has an obsession with sharp knives and still a novice. I thank you again for advancing my knowledge on knife sharpening.
Victor, USA
I have learned so much from you, your book, and your videos. I joined the Tormek forum and am reading your past posts. I have huge respect for the rare individuals who seek excellence in their work. Kangaroo strop arrived today. Love it. I am an engineer not a professional knife sharpener. However, knives are a hobby. I took one Buck knife today down from 97 BESS to 57 BESS only by stropping 12 times on the roo strop. Awesome!
Wiley, USA
Hello Vadim, I just watched your new video "Common Tormek Mistakes In Knife Sharpening." Another excellent video!! I have learned so much from you. I have watched your sharpening videos many times and read your posts on the Tormek forum. With your book, videos, wheels and kangaroo strop that I purchased, I have become an elite sharpener.
Over 125 BESS in now dull for me. Although it is only a hobby for me, my children and friends want me to sharpen their knifes. If I am in a hurry, with your App, the standard Tormek stone wheel, and the kangaroo strop, I can usually get almost any knife under 130 BESS in only a few minutes. It easily shaves and my friends are impressed. If not in a hurry, I get around 60 BESS and sometimes less. My best was either 16 or 23.
Once more thank you for sharing your time and knowledge. In your field, you are the best.
Wiley, USA
You are a true gem to the comunity, your customer, YouTube wathchers and probably more!
Jon-Anders, Norway
Many thanks for all your research and video teaching. I am a hooked convert and have replicated your sharpening system in fine detail. It is going to bring me many years of retirement pleasure!
Ian, Australia
I would like to pass on to you my special regards in relation to your website, videos, products and book. I am a retired Physicist, and I like to understand things at a deep level, and I found your book and thoughts regarding "Burrs" to be very clear, and helpful. I think your results prove your approach too. I think you have made a very good contribution to the community, and provided good information in an area where there is a lot of "black magic", or should I say rubbish.
I too have wasted a lot of time and money on "sharpening", with only moderate results. Reading your book etc prompted me to buy a Tormek T-8, and what a quantum leap that is in terms of sharpening. I now have quite sharp tools all over my workshop, from chisels to drills to scrapers and spokeshaves.
I have various grinders, and I really like the control I can get with the Tormek. So thank you for that.
One thing I felt using the Tormek is that it is not very satisfactory to have to hand hone an edge on work you have spent a good amount of time on, and so your FVB jig is great, and I look forward to even better results in the future.
I also feel that setting up the grinding angle on the WM-200 is less than satisfactory for many items, so your calculators are a great idea.
Jesse, Australia
I decided to buy your book last night after just receiving my T8 for my woodworking tools and going down a bit of a wormhole. Even just the first few pages of your book have inspired me greatly. Much appreciation.
Conan, Ireland
I'm a home cook who recently fell into the rabbit hole of knife sharpening. I spent a lot of time trying to make sense of things on forums and with Chad Ward's book. Then I found Todd Simpson's blog and realized that most of what I knew was wrong, but I still didn't know what to do with that information. Finally, I found your book and posts, and everything is starting to make sense now. Thanks for testing things out and synthesizing what you've found - your work is the single most helpful resource I've found so far.
Thank you !!! There is a million dollars worth of information in that. You are by FAR, the most extreme when it comes to technical scientific research ! I'm going to be reading this for the rest of my life as I progress.
Many thanks and congrats on the Knife deburring book. It is an excellent bargain.
Rodger, USA
Thank you so much Vadim. You have to know you are unique in the sharpness world... no one is at your level. Congratulation, you will be part of the history. Or you are, but not all the people know that.
Luca, Italy
Good Afternoon Dr Kraichuk,
I just purchased your book (download) and want to thank you in expressing my gratitude for all the effort and time you put into educating all of us on how to achieve that razor sharp edge and for taking out the “Voodoo” in knife sharpening. You are the first and last stop when it comes to Knife sharpening. No more wasting time watching videos from all the witch doctors on the net.
Dominic, Australia
Thank you for facts to judge the edge of a knife. This is the end of myths, guessing what might be and all the secret recipes. It simply gives confidence in sharpening. Your research is helping the grinder community!
Werner, Germany
I suggest everybody buy his book about burrs !!! Best money I've spent . VERY informative!
Rodger, USA
Very grateful for your voluminous knowledge on this subject. I have learned more about sharpening from you than from all other sources combined.
Steve, USA
Best book on knife sharpening ever!
Sylvain, Canada
I have read Mr. Kraichuk’s book, and have found it to be very helpful. His multi-step approach to burr removal works much better than anything else I have tried. I have “adapted” his methods for burr removal to the Wicked Edge. I deburr using the three-step approach he recommends using diamond lapping films, and have been able to sharpen Henckels and Wusthof knives that will push cut the edge of a newspaper.
Rummels, USA
I really appreciate all of your quick responses, your videos, & your book. I believe that after all the years I am on the right path to obtaining a sharp knife. That I would be proud to own & use.
John, USA
There is a million dollars worth of info in that book !!! I have read it many times and absorb more each time. Scientific data with no guess work at its finest.
Rodger, USA
Reading your book opened my eyes to what the next level of sharpness really is and made me want to step up my game for both home and work knives and tools.
Adam, USA
Dear Doctor Kraichuk, I must say how much I appreciate your work: I'm aware of nothing else like it in terms of the level of granularity and use of quantified testing, and it seems to me that sharing it as you do is an enormous service to the cutlery world.
Joseph, USA
I got your PDF book and I am thrilled. Sharpening knives for 15 years but what I have already learned from you is incredible.
Sven, Germany